A recording of the webinar can be found here
Join the discussion with Texas landowners on their experience in the Audubon Conservation Ranching program – Bird Friendly Webinar.
The majority of grassland birds – whose populations have declined by more than 50 percent in the last 50 years – inhabit privately owned land. Audubon Conservation Ranching works with voluntary landowners to stabilize the declining grassland bird populations.
Audubon Conservation Ranching staff and the Dixon Water Foundation from Texas will share how they strive to meet requirements centering on habitat management, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare to earn the Audubon bird-friendly land certification.
Nationwide, more than 100 ranches and nearly 3 million acres that have earned status as Audubon Certified bird-friendly land. Together we can protect the 60% of grasslands and prairie ecosystems in Texas. Learn more by joining in on the conversation.
When: Thursday, March 7th at 11:00AM
What: Bird Friendly Webinar – Audubon Conservation Ranching in Texas
Who: Speakers include:Casey Wade, President and CEO, Dixon Water FoundationPhilip Boyd, VP Science and Research, Dixon Water FoundationThomas Schroeder, Audubon Conservation Ranching Partnerships Manager, Audubon TexasAnita Hoskins, Senior Coordinator, Private Lands, Audubon Texas